From Animalliance to Uniivo: A Transformation for New Ambitions



visuel lancement uniivo

Today marks a significant turning point in the history of Animalliance. After more than 15 years under this name, we are embarking on an exciting new chapter: Uniivo.

Uniivo: Uniting for Scientific Research

It merges “unity” with “in vivo,” highlighting collaboration and biological research as well as renewal within our company. “Uni” resonates with the collaboration necessary to overcome current scientific challenges, emphasizing the importance of a unified approach. It is a name that encapsulates the spirit of our company, combining the principles of unity and commitment to biological research. “Uni” symbolizes unity and collaborative approach, essential for innovating and advancing in the scientific field. It embodies unity in the world of research, crucial for addressing today’s scientific challenges.

A Significant Change

The evolution of the brand identity, from Animalliance to Uniivo, is not just a name change but a true transformation symbolizing our renewed commitment and strategic vision for the future. This transition marks a key moment where we reaffirm our core values while paving the way for new opportunities.

Uniivo : A Transformation Driven by Strong Positioning

It reflects our desire to better embody our values and mission. We have built our reputation on solid foundations, and this new identity allows us to fully embrace our growth and expansion ambitions while also broadening our range of services to better meet the needs of our clients and partners. This change is the result of deep reflection on our positioning and future. Uniivo symbolizes a united and innovative company in its vision and approaches, ready to tackle the challenges of the future.

Implications of this Transformation

We will continue to leverage our expertise and deep industry knowledge. Our goal is to shape the future of research and offer more innovative and comprehensive solutions. In addition to Uniivo Academy and Uniivo Science services, we have created Uniivo Interim and Uniivo Screening & Recruitment solutions. We remain committed to proactively addressing the various needs of private and public scientific enterprises by anticipating market trends and adapting our services accordingly.
This rebranding also strengthens our international presence. We are better positioned to seize opportunities and expand our influence.
The transition from Animalliance to Uniivo is more than just a rebranding. We are excited and ready to write this new chapter of our story with the same passion and dedication that have always characterized our company. Uniivo is our new banner, and under it, we will continue to move forward, innovate, and thrive together.

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