Legal notice

The publisher of the website

35 Rue Gandon,
75013 PARIS
Phone: 01 45 40 07 96
Limited Liability Company with a capital of €35,000

publication director:
Thomas Follier

Hosting Provider:
2 rue Kellermann
Phone: 08 203 203 63

Webmaster :
EVOL | Agence de conseil en création et communication – Lyon
3bis Rue Villeneuve, 69004 Lyon
Mail :
Site web :

Personal Data:

The user of this website (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) is informed that, during their navigation on the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), personal data concerning them are collected and processed by Uniivo. This processing has been declared to the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978. The User of the site is informed that their data:
are collected in a fair and lawful manner,
are collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes,
will not be further processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes,
are adequate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected and further processed,
are accurate and complete,
are kept in a form which permits identification of the data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed. Uniivo undertakes to take all useful precautions to preserve the security of the data, and notably to prevent them from being deformed, damaged, or accessed by unauthorized third parties. This data is used for internal commercial purposes. The information collected from internet users through the forms available on the website complies with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms. The recipient of the personal data concerning the User is Uniivo. This data is not intended to be transmitted to third parties.

Contact Forms:

The information collected on this form is recorded in a computerized file by Cap Visibilité for Management of our customer base, Sending information through our newsletters. They are kept for 3 years and are intended for the marketing and sales departments of the company and its partners if applicable. In accordance with the “Data Protection” law, you can exercise your right to access data concerning you and have them rectified by contacting the data controller by email at the following address: We inform you of the existence of the “Bloctel” telephone canvassing opposition list, on which you can register here: Links on the site: The links on this site may direct the user to external sites whose content cannot in any way engage the responsibility of the Uniivo website editor.

Use of cookies:

The User is informed that Uniivo may place a cookie on their computer. A cookie does not allow the User to be identified. However, it allows information about their computer’s navigation on the Site to be recorded, information that can be read during their next visits. This information is stored on the User’s computer. However, the User can, if they wish, oppose the recording of cookies on their computer, by following these steps:

For Mozilla Firefox: choose the “Tools” menu then “Options.” Click on the “Privacy” icon. Find the “cookie” menu and select the appropriate options.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0: choose the “Tools” menu (or “Tools”), then “Internet Options” (or “Internet Options”). Click on the “Privacy” tab (or “Confidentiality”) and select the desired level using the slider.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5: choose the “Tools” menu (or “Tools”), then “Internet Options” (or “Internet Options”). Click on the “Security” tab. Select “Internet” then “Custom Level” (or “CustomLevel”). Locate the “cookies” section and select the appropriate option.

For Netscape 6.X and 7. X: choose the “Edit” menu – “Preferences” Privacy and Security Cookies.

For Opera 6.0 and above: choose the “File” menu – “Preferences” Privacy (Variant 2: Website with cookies including information provided by the user).

The User has the right to object to their personal data being processed and used for prospecting, including commercial purposes. The User, after proving their identity, may question Uniivo to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning them is or is not being processed, information regarding the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data is communicated, the communication of personal data concerning them as well as any available information concerning their origin, information allowing them to know and challenge the logic underlying automated processing in the event of a decision made on the basis of it and producing legal effects concerning them. The User may also, if they prove their identity, demand that Uniivo rectify, complete, update, lock or delete the personal data concerning them that is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out-of-date, or whose collection, use, communication, or storage is prohibited. To exercise this right, the User will send a letter to Uniivo as the data controller, to the following address:

Intellectual Property:

The elements appearing on this website, such as sounds, images, photographs, videos, writings, animations, programs, graphic design, utilities, databases, software, are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and belong to Uniivo. The user agrees not to infringe the intellectual property rights relating to these elements, and in particular not to reproduce, represent, modify, adapt, translate, extract and/or reuse a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of them, except for acts necessary for their normal and proper use.

Photo Credits:

Sources of online photos or illustrations: The copyrights and intellectual property rights belong to Adobe or its contributors. These works have been subject to a content download contract between the company Uniivo and image bank.




Uniivo declines any responsibility in case of error or omission. To report an error or request the correction of information, please contact the webmaster by filling out the contact form. The technical information found on this site is for informational purposes only and may evolve depending on legislative and regulatory changes. Uniivo cannot be held responsible for the interpretation you may make of the information or data contained on this site. It is the user’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. Uniivo declines all responsibility for any damage that may occur during the consultation of this website.